Horwath HTL Conference Panel Q&A’s
By Marco van Bruggen on 29. April 2020
Hospitality Tomorrow Virtual Conference
Horwath HTL were delighted to be asked to moderate a panel on the recent Hospitality Tomorrow event. It was the first ‘virtual’ event of its kind that we had participated in and it opened up a whole new realm of possibility for audience interaction. Many of us have had the experience of being on panels at conferences when the inevitable moment of ‘does anyone have any questions?’ arrives, typically met with a stony silence, or one question before everybody rushes out.
The beauty of the virtual conference with a chat functionality is that during our session, we received so many questions from people who were watching. Amazingly, many of these were answered in real time by our experts taking part in the panel. There were also a lot of questions that we were not able to get to for obvious reasons, so we decided it would be useful to download all of the questions from the chat, answer them and then publish the response.